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"Popular genetics. Genetics of blood groups and Rh factor"

2023-12-04 | News

04.12.2023 senior lecturer of the Department of Natural Sciences, PhD Sadykova R.A. conducted a master class for young university teachers on the topic "Popular genetics. Genetics of blood groups and Rh factor". During the master class, the methodology of applying active learning methods through individual, pair and group work, role-playing games and competitions was shown. Mastering the theoretical material helped the listeners while listening to "lawsuits" to establish paternity and determine the biological parents of newborn children who were confused by a medical error in the maternity hospital. The roles of prosecutors, defendants and members of the court were distributed among the listeners. The relationship was determined through the blood groups of parents and children and a court decision was made. The students also took an active part in solving a crossword puzzle and a competition for knowledge of proverbs and sayings on the topic of heredity and blood. Members of the student scientific circle "Matrix" also took part in the organization and conduct of the master class. At the end, based on a psychological test, the participants of the master class gave feedback in the form of building a common house from selected geometric shapes, symbolizing the unity of the faculties at Shakarim University.
