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Educational programs
6B01510 - Biology
The group of educational programs B013 Biology teacher training is included in the field of education 6B01 Pedagogical sciences.

2022 year - unrepresentative data 2023 - 2nd place The educational program 6B01510 - Biology, implemented at the Department of Natural Sciences of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, NAO "Shakarim University of Semey", was developed taking into account the needs of the regional labor market, the requirements of regulatory documents of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and is a system of documents for the organization of the educational process. Program the actual key and specific competences in the application of professional knowledge and skills acquired by learners in the learning outcome, which corresponds to the main mission of higher educational institutions - ensuring the leading role of University in international scientific and educational space for the formation of competitive specialists for the innovative development of Kazakhstan. The educational program 6B01510-Biology is focused on the training of highly qualified biologists with knowledge and competencies that are in demand, first of all, for work in the field of education, to meet the needs of Kazakhstan and foreign higher educational institutions, schools, gymnasiums and lyceums, teacher training colleges, educational institutions of state and non-state profiles. Kazakhstan, be able to plan and conduct training sessions taking into account the specifics of topics and sections of the program in accordance with the curriculum, as well as organizes a student-centered approach to the education and development of students in order to create motivation for learning.
The main criterion for the completion of the educational process in the preparation of bachelors is the acquisition of at least 205 credits of theoretical training, as well as at least 27 credits of practice, not 8 credits for the preparation of diplomas. Total 240 credits.
4 year
Training of biology teachers with theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of modern areas of biological sciences and methods of teaching biology, able to apply the acquired competencies in teaching activities.
Qualification characteristics of a graduate
  • Awarded degree / qualification
    Bachelor of Education in the educational program
  • Name of the profession / list of positions of a specialist
    Teacher. High School Teacher
  • OQF qualification level (industry qualification framework)
  • Area of professional activity
    - biology teacher in high school, lyceum, gymnasium, college; - departments of education, akimats, organizations for landscaping, ecology; - science - research organizations in various biological profiles; - organizations of various forms of ownership that use biology methods in their work; - state-owned enterprises and institutions. - business, economics. - officials in educational organizations (director of a general educational institution, deputy directors for educational work, etc.) - methodologist in educational organizations; - specialist in the field of pedagogical sciences;
  • Object of professional activity
    -general secondary schools, lyceums, gymnasiums colleges; - ecological and biological centers, agrobiostations; - higher educational institutions; - education departments under akimats; - research institutes and laboratories; - state environmental institutions - nature reserves, national parks and botanical gardens; - production laboratories and farms for processing raw materials of animal and vegetable origin; - organization of landscaping and landscaping of urban and natural areas; - ecology committees.
  • Types of professional activity
    Educational (pedagogical) activity: work as a biology teacher in various educational institutions (schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, colleges, etc.); Research activity: performing scientific research in specialized disciplines in various organizations: laboratories, biocenters, zoos, nature reserves, national parks, botanical gardens Project activity: implementation of general and specialized developments in design and engineering organizations (landscaping, watering, reconstruction, landscape planning); Production and management activities: in state structures of various levels (departments of education, akimats, laboratories of biological and chemical directions, etc.); Organizational and technological activities: in biological industries (sanitary and epidemiological stations, plants and animal products processing plants, etc.).
Map of training modules for developing competencies
Socio-cultural disciplines

Learning outcomes for the module:

Knowledge of the historical foundations and periods of the formation of an independent Kazakh statehood in the context of the world and Eurasian historical process. The ability to develop free and critical thinking in the field of economics and law, the foundations of anti-corruption culture, ecology and life safety, to master basic knowledge in the humanities, to apply them in various types of professional activities, as well as in social and political life.

Language training

Learning outcomes for the module:

Mastering by students of vocabulary and linguistic features of a foreign language and the formation of communicative and functional ties, the formation of skills in argumentation in a foreign language and understanding of the linguistic and cultural characteristics of the country of the target language. Mastering professional communication skills.

Age-related physiology and physical culture

Learning outcomes for the module:

Competent in matters of psychology and ethics of communication with children of different ages; in the correct organization of loads for schoolchildren, optimal for their age and physical data; in organizing a training program aimed at the harmonious development and health improvement of the student.

Fundamentals of Biology

Learning outcomes for the module:

Formation of students' holistic understanding of the structure of biological diversity of plants and animals, ways of evolution of the kingdom of plants and animals, structure, physiology, development and practical significance of living organisms.

Innovative biological education

Learning outcomes for the module:

Knowledge by students of the updated content of general secondary education (SESE, curricula and programs), reproduction of specific material, terminology, facts, definitions, criteria, information. Demonstration of understanding of new pedagogical approaches and teaching materials in accordance with curricula in social and humanitarian and natural-mathematical subjects and application in a new context; the use of a criterion-based assessment system. Demonstration of skills in planning lessons and making reflective changes in practice.

Fundamentals of applied Biology

Learning outcomes for the module:

The ability to find ways and methods of applying zoological knowledge in their educational, scientific activities, to identify and analyze the patterns of the geographical distribution of organisms and their communities, their relationship with the environment; analyze maps of biogeographic content, analyze the material studied; Ability to draw up crop rotation schemes; to recognize the main types of cultivated and weed plants, to distinguish between the main regionalized varieties of field, vegetable and fruit crops; distinguish between the main types of soils, draw up schedules for the care of the garden, berry plantings.

Evolutionary Biology

Learning outcomes for the module:

Competent in the study of the most important achievements of modern theoretical and practical problems of molecular biology and evolution, in matters of the legislative and regulatory framework in the field of protection of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems; in the issues of the current state of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems of the globe.