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Educational programs
7M01504 - Chemistry
The group of educational programs М013 Preparation of teachers of chemistry (kazakh, russian, english language) is included in the field of education 7М01 Pedagogical Sciences

The Department of Natural Science Disciplines of the Faculty of Natural Mathematics trains masters in the educational program 7M01504- Chemistry. Training of masters in the educational program 7M01504- Chemistry is conducted on a full-time basis on the basis of the educational program of higher education in the scientific and pedagogical direction with a training period of at least two years. Upon completion of training for graduates of the educational program 7M01504- Chemistry is awarded the academic degree of Master of Pedagogical Sciences.
The main criterion for the completion of the educational process for the preparation of masters of the scientific and pedagogical direction is the development of at least 88 credits of theoretical training, including 6 credits of pedagogical practice, 13 credits of research practice, as well as at least 24 credits of research work of a master's student, including internships and the completion of a master's thesis, at least 8 credits of the final attestations. A total of 120 credits.
2 years
Training of highly qualified specialists in accordance with the competencies of this EP, focused on research activities in the field of education
Qualification characteristics of a graduate
  • Awarded degree / qualification
    Master of education under the educational program 7M01504- Chemistry
  • Name of the profession / list of positions of a specialist
     teacher of chemistry at universities and colleges; лаб laboratory assistant in educational organizations and research institutions ;  the educational master; должностные officials in educational organizations (Director of a general educational institution, deputy directors for educational work, etc.);  methodologist in educational organizations;  specialist in the field of pedagogical sciences; специалист specialist in research institutions
  • OQF qualification level (industry qualification framework)
  • Area of professional activity
     research institutions;  middle schools, and secondary professional education institutions;  state educational authorities; organizations of various forms of ownership that use methods of teaching chemistry in their work.
  • Object of professional activity
     apply modern pedagogical technologies in teaching chemistry;  plan and implement research work in the field of pedagogical sciences;  conducting scientific and pedagogical activities in general education organizations;  organizational and management;  social and pedagogical;  educational
  • Types of professional activity
     apply modern pedagogical technologies in teaching chemistry;  plan and implement research work in the field of pedagogical sciences;  conducting scientific and pedagogical activities in general education organizations;  organizational and management;  social and pedagogical;  educational
Map of training modules for developing competencies
Sociolinguistic and scientific-pedagogical activity

Learning outcomes for the module:

PO1-To present scientific material in a foreign language; to read and translate original literature on the specialty with subsequent analysis of interpretations and evaluation of the extracted information; to conduct business correspondence in a foreign language of professional activity. PO2-To possess information about the current state of psychological theory and practice to the extent optimal for use in subsequent professional activities; to demonstrate knowledge of the main aspects of management psychology; the need to understand their own prospects for managerial growth. RO-3-To solve the problems of higher pedagogical education and the prospects for its further development; to consider the use of effective university technologies; to solve current and psychological and pedagogical problems, to evaluate the results achieved PO4-to solve problems that arise in the course of scientific and research activities and require in-depth professional knowledge; choose the necessary research methods, modify existing ones and develop new methods based on the tasks of a particular study; analyze and comprehend the realities of modern theory and practice on the basis of the history and philosophy of science, the methodology of natural science, socio-humanistic and technical knowledge. РO5-To form practical skills of teaching and learning methods in universities

Applied Chemistry

Learning outcomes for the module:

RO6-To develop educational resources using modern information media and information technologies in the educational process. PO7-To integrate the main provisions, concepts and laws in the field of chemistry and related natural science disciplines when explaining theoretical and practical tasks.

Methodological aspects of the study of chemical disciplines

Learning outcomes for the module:

RO5-To form practical skills of teaching and learning methods in higher education institutions RO8-To link academic material on all issues of the university program of chemical disciplines for everyday professional activity

Didactic monitoring

Learning outcomes for the module:

PO8-To link the academic material on all issues of the university program of chemical disciplines for everyday professional activity PO10-To design a system of evaluation criteria for various educational technologies used in general education institutions. RO11-Formulate the results of experimental research work in the form of a report, a scientific report, a message, conclusions.