Rakhimzhanova Akgul
- Doctor PhD
- 87222324579
- akgul.r.m@gmail.com
Subjects taught
- Plant Physiology
- The research work of a student, including an internship and the implementation of a master''s thesis II
- he research work of a student, including an internship and the implementation of a master s thesis II
- The research work of a student, including an internship and the implementation of a master''s thesis III
- The research work of a student, including an internship and the implementation of a master's thesis I
- Physiological bases of physical education and sports
- Anatomy and Morphology of Plants
- Anatomy, basics of sports morphology
- Organization and plan research work
- Methodology of biology training
- Methods of organization of extracurricular work on the subject
- Methods of organization of extracurricular work on the subject
- Biology teaching technology in secon dary vocational and university
- Research activity of students in biology
Өсімдіктер систематикасының практикумы (оқу құралы)
Патент «Мазь, обладающая противовоспалительным действием»
The excretion of 241 Am and 137 Cs from the broilers organs after long-term application
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Қойдың құйрық майының емдік қасиетін арттыру
2774 Семей қаласының Шәкәрім атындағы мемлекеттік университетінің хабаршысы
Determination of some biological activities and phenolic compounds of Lilium martagon L. extracts distributed in Kazakhstan and Turkey.
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin
Antioxidant and Phenolic Characterization with HPLC of Various Extract of Verbascum glomeratum Linneus.
Journal of The Chemical Society of Pakistan.
Stellaria media Ekstraktlarının Antioksidan Aktivitesinin Belirlenmesi ve Fenolik Bileşenlerinin Karakterizasyonu
Ordu Üniv. Bil. Tek. Derg.,
Studies on lilium species.
İnt.J. Sec. Metabolite
Интерактивные технологии Promethean
Альянс Техносервис
06.09.2022 - 06.09.2022. Алматы
Educational leadership
Nazarbaev University
28.02.2022 - 05.05.2022.
Подготовка внутренних аудиторов систем менеджмента качества в соответсвии с требованиями ISO 9001:2015
Казахстанская организация качества
17.08.2021 - 17.08.2021.
Заманауи оқытушы:дағдылар, икемдер мен даму перспективалары
Erudit білім беру-ғылыми орталығы
17.06.2021 - 18.06.2021. Семей