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Educational programs
6B01406 - Physical Culture and Sport/ Manager of Sport and Recreation
The group of educational programs B005 Training of teachers of physical culture is included in the field of education 6B01 Pedagogical sciences

The Department of Physical Culture and Sports of the Faculty of Natural and Mathematical Sciences of the NJSC Shakarim University of Semey provides training in the educational program 6B01406 Physical culture and sports / Manager of sports and recreation. This educational program was developed taking into account the needs of the labor market in the region, the opinions of employers, the possibilities of application in other sectors of life, the requirements of regulatory documents and one of the main documents for organizing the educational process. Distinctive features and opportunities, the uniqueness of the educational program 6B01406 Physical culture and sports / Manager of sports and recreation are:  Demand for specialists with higher pedagogical education in the region;  The share of graduates studying under government orders and employed in their specialty is 90%  Sufficient level of calmness; the share of full-time teaching staff with academic degrees and titles is 50%.  Application of innovative teaching methods by teachers during training sessions  Availability of sports facilities equipped with sports equipment and inventory  The information and library collection in the specialty is complete, all disciplines are provided with educational, educational, methodological and scientific literature  Providing non-resident students with a hostel Educational program 6B01406 Physical culture and sports / Sports and recreation manager gives the student an understanding of business administration and modern management in industries. The specialization of the educational program allows you to prepare personnel for business administration, management in commerce, production, the service sector, etc. The educational program allows you to develop the student’s intellectual abilities, personal success and leadership qualities, organizational skills based on applied economic education.
The main criterion for the completion of the educational process for the preparation of bachelors is the development by students of at least 205 credits of theoretical training, as well as at least 27 credits of practice, 8 credits of final certification. Total 240 credits.
4 years
Training of a competent professional teacher-professional in the field of Physical Culture and sports, capable of using innovative methods of organization and training in the system of educational and training process, and a competent professional leading specialist who has mastered high professional knowledge of the standard of public relations and sociology, Organization of recreational services for various segments of the population in order to improve health in accordance with modern requirements.
Qualification characteristics of a graduate
  • Awarded degree / qualification
    Bachelor of Education in the educational program 6B01406 Physical Culture and Sports / Sports and Recreation Manager
  • Name of the profession / list of positions of a specialist
    Учитель физкультуры средних и специальных учебных заведений; Тренер по избранному вида спорта; Инструктор по спорту в производствах; Судья по видом спорта; Руководитель спортивной деятельности в государственных организациях; Спортивный менеджер; Инструктор по лечебной физической культурой; Организатор массовой оздоровильной работы; Сотрудник сферы научного исследования; Сотрудник сферы здравоохранения.
  • OQF qualification level (industry qualification framework)
  • Area of professional activity
    - physical education teacher; research institutions; secondary schools, and secondary vocational schools; state governing bodies; organizations of various forms of ownership using fitness forms and methods in their work; enterprises and institutions of the state profile; officials in educational organizations; methodologist in educational organizations; specialist in the field of pedagogical sciences, in research institutions; - Manager of professional sports, sports management, management of sports facilities and sports and recreation events, organization of sports facilities, public relations, recreation and animation for different groups of the population, sociology
  • Object of professional activity
    - econdary schools and secondary vocational education institutions; research institutions; state educational authorities; organizations of various forms of ownership, using physical culture and health-improving forms and methods in their work.
  • Types of professional activity
    Apply modern pedagogical technologies in teaching physical education at school; plan and carry out research work in the field of pedagogical sciences; conduct scientific and pedagogical activities in educational organizations; use of software and computer technology; organizational and managerial; social and pedagogical; educational ;educational and technological. - Improving health and developing modern sports technologies; management and management of sports activities in government institutions; introducing new ways to improve the nation's health; holding and organizing sports events at all levels; manage sports, yard and tourist clubs; increasing the level of professional sports in the country; striving to fully cover our country with physical education and sports events.
Map of training modules for developing competencies
Module 1. Fundamentals of social and humanitarian knowledge

Learning outcomes for the module:

This module reveals such aspects as: socio-cultural, economic-legal, environmental knowledge, communication skills, the use of information technology taking into account modern trends in the development of society.

Module 2. Psychological-pedagogical and methodological training of personnel

Learning outcomes for the module:

This module includes the study of the application of modern teaching technologies and criterion-based assessment, taking into account the individual, physiological and psychological characteristics of students.

Module 3. Theory and practice of research work

Learning outcomes for the module:

This module examines the organization of scientific research work in the field of Physical Culture and sports, analysis, comparison of results and social activities of sports, features of non-traditional sports and their place and organizational methods in modern society. As a result, it is possible to evaluate the work done in production practice, express opinions on the topic under consideration, and draw conclusions on the studied materials

Module 4. Theory and methodology of sports

Learning outcomes for the module:

The module is a theoretical and methodological level of sports training in the specialty Physical Culture and sports. Specialists demonstrate the skills of designing models of sports training, principles, methods and technologies of sports training, implementing interdisciplinary and interdisciplinary connections in the training process, proving judgments of sports training, creating their own approaches in the training process and finding new opportunities. As a result, he manages to demonstrate basic knowledge in the field of pedagogy in consolidating the process of sports training in modern conditions using various methods and techniques.

Module 5. Practical activities

Learning outcomes for the module:

This module is the practical part of the specialty. The module teaches methods of teaching National Sports, Travel, gymnastics, swimming, table games and methods of teaching sports games. In the course of practice, he makes full use of teaching methods in the organization of Physical Culture and training in sports. As a result, a specialist in Physical Culture and sports, in addition to mastering Sports himself, can organize the educational process with the student, necessarily taking into account the level of training of age, gender and physical qualities.

Module 6. Recreational Motor Activities

Learning outcomes for the module:

In the process of organizing the process of physical education, it takes into account the age and physiological characteristics of students using updated educational and inclusive educational technologies, directs pedagogical processes to ensure the preservation and strengthening of the health of the human race.

Module 7. Fundamentals of personality formation in society

Learning outcomes for the module:

The module includes subjects that form additional skills and competencies necessary for future teachers. When studying this module, students have the opportunity to partially master creative teaching methods, master modern technologies and software

Module 8. Types of the sports directions

Learning outcomes for the module:

Specialists demonstrate the skills of designing models of sports training, principles, methods and technologies of sports training, implementing interdisciplinary and interdisciplinary connections in the training process, proving judgments of sports training, creating their own approaches in the training process and finding new opportunities.