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Kozhabaev Baurzhan

  • 313445
  • kozhabaev65@mail.ru

Subjects taught

  • Physical Culture
  • Physical Culture
  • Theory and methods of teaching basic sports
  • Pedagogy of Physical Education and Sport
  • Technologies of the updated content of education and criteria assessment
  • Psychology of physical culture and sports
  • Therapeutic physical education and massage
  • Basics of research work and sport metrology
  • Swimming with tbe medbods of teaching
  • History of Physical Culture and Sports
  • Volleyball with the methods of teaching
  • Organization of mass recreation activities
  • Managing the process of sports training in favorites sport
  • Introduction to the profession of a physical education and sports teacher
  • Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of non-traditional types of physical culture and sports activities
  • Organization of mass recreation activities
  • Fundamentals of managing the process of sports training
  • Theory methods of youth sports
  • Educational and material and regulatory base of physical culture in educational institutions
  • National sports teaching methodology
  • Health-improving orientation of loads with teaching methods (by sports)
  • Theory and methodology of sports training


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